After final approval, the fundraising efforts started. Jackson approached 2 Home Depots, 2 Lowes and 1 ACE store. He had a printed letter and came dressed in full scout gear. He always asked to see the manager and he had to return to stores several times to finally talk to a manager in charge of donations. Lowe's never called back or agreed to anything but a discount (no donated goods). He did put out a request for funds through NextDoor without any replies. He also contacted our local realty company (owning all of Castle Hills properties) without any replies. The Lewisville Home Depot kindly donated most of the lumber, pvc, and metal pipes, worth around $280. The Colony Home Depot gave more PVC, MEK, PVC cement and other misc. supplies valued around $70. The Westlake ACE hardware donated $50 of goods, mostly used for carriage bolts, MEK, screws and sandpaper. The rest was purchased by ourselves online and in stores fo...